BRF Institute

We believe in co-responsibility, transparency, trust and sustainability as guiding pillars of our programs. Therefore, one of our main objectives is to be a key element for the promotion of local development through volunteer actions focused on social innovation, quality of life and well-being.

Over the years we have improved our performance aware of our role in society and with the concern of promoting relevant impacts. We always work cooperatively with local communities and organizations.

In this way, it is they, collaborators and communities, the protagonists of their development and well-being, always in a joint and transparent action between company and society.


Over the last 9 years, the objectives of the BRF Institute have been maturing according to the actions we promote, the networks we have formed, the people and organizations with whom we exchange experiences, the concerns about the big global agendas and the role and responsibility of the with society.

Thus, in 2016, with the launching of the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) by the UN, the work of the BRF Institute has become even more forceful, going beyond specific projects and seeking to be guided by Agenda 2030, which aims to guarantee the future economic, social, political and environmental importance of the next generations.

This is how the work of the BRF Institute becomes even more relevant and coherent with the issues that are affecting humanity, and is also capable of generating large-scale impacts.


From acting in small communities to responsibilities with global commitments. Check out where we came from and where we want to go!



IBRF was consolidated from the merger of the Sadia and Perdigão Institutes and with two fronts: corporate responsibility and social investment. It is in this same year that the BRF Volunteer Program, created in 2011, becomes one of the main projects.



In that year, the Social Investment Committees were already present in 39 production units, administrative headquarters, branches and distribution centers of BRF, mobilizing around 400 employees throughout the country.
Main Programs:
– Comunidade ativa (Active Community)
– Programa Inspira (Inspiration Program)
– ReciclAção
– Digital station



We expanded our operations to 53 municipalities, benefiting approximately 88 thousand people. This year we also strengthened our performance in collective projects carried out in partnership with the community and the three sectors of society: in the total foral 39 projects aligned to local needs.



It is in this year that the BRF Volunteer Program expands. For the first time, some BRF units from outside Brazil carry outinitiatives under the guidance of IBRF. Singapore was one of them, with 38 employees mobilized. Argentina and Abu Dhabi also had their first appearance this year. In Brazil, the IBRF mobilized together with BRF the largest match-fixing campaign in its history to support those affected by the catastrophe that hit Santa Catarina in the first half of the year.



This year IBRF organized the largest voluntary action ever held at the Company to commemorate BRF’s Anniversary. With the “Celebrar fazendo o bem” campaign, the 82 years of BRF were celebrated with 105 social actions carried out in 60 municipalities and 9 countries, involving more than 1,700 volunteers and benefiting approximately 80 thousand people.



We celebrate five years of life. And with an organization already matured, we seek to promote food as a tool to foster transformation in the communities where we operate, guiding our work by means of in two programmatic lines: balanced nutrition and community life. It was also this year that we established the Projects Fund as a structuring “edital” for the development and selection of projects proposed by the Committees.


They are 9 years of great meetings, building yearnings, promoting positive transformations, realizing dreams and surpassing expectations. There are 5 years of data that fill us with pride and inspire us to continue to see them grow. Check out some of this trajectory in some of our main numbers:


It is the number of places that the IBRF is present, acting in the communities, promoting voluntary actions and investing in projects.



This is a number that is increasing every day! More than a million people have already benefited from IBRF projects and actions. And there’s a lot more out there!



This is the amount that BRF has committed to investing in communities by 2030, especially in social development agendas through the performance of the IBRF.


thousand volunteers

This is the number of volunteer employees registered by the IBRF who participated in the actions during the 9  years.



Or 480.000 minutes of volunteer work perfomed by the BRF Volunteers only during the year 2020.


Since its foundation, IBRF has implemented its main programs in the municipalities in which BRF is a member. In each unit there is a Local Development Committee, made up of employees. Its purpose is to analyze opportunities and priorities within the community to then manage all social investment actions in cities with the support of the IBRF.

BRF Volunteer Program
It is the heart of IBRF. The initiative, which promotes actions throughout the year, has as its greatest strength to involve and integrate its employees in pursuit of a single goal: to transform the lives of people and communities in the places where the company is present.


BRF Anniversary
This is the largest volunteer joint action of the IBRF, which takes place once a year and celebrates BRF’s anniversary through volunteer action around the world. The date acts as a milestone and integrates all BRF volunteers into manifestations of solidarity and commitment to community development.

Recycling Project
Created in 2013 by a joint effort of local partners, including the BRF Institute, Recycling is an environmental education, community mobilization and solid waste management project that aims to eradicate social and environmental risks in Morro dos Prazeres, located in Santa Teresa (RJ).
It is based on a behavior change model, through educational processes and mobilization of community residents, so that they can correctly manage their waste and promote recycling.

The waste sent to recycling is sold to partner recyclers and generate resources that the community itself reinvests in local projects, promoting improvements in living conditions.

The methodology was recognized by the Environmental Agency of the United States Government (IPA) and won the seal of Social Technology by the Banco do Brasil Foundation.

Sentidos e Sabores (Senses and Flavors)
It was the main project of 2017, which had the partnership of CREN (Center for Nutritional Recovery and Education), and aims to rescue the relationship of individuals with food and contribute to the formation of communities with more quality of life in the municipalities where we operate.

Fundo de projetos (Projects Fund)
Created by the IBRF in 2017, the Projects Fund has changed the way of selecting and executing the local projects coordinated by the Social Investment Committees. With the Fund, the IBRF invests in strategic initiatives proposed by the Committees, always in partnership with local organizations and social bodies.

The selection of proposals is based on a joint evaluation of the IBRF team with the coordinators of the Committees and with the support of Atados, an organization specializing in corporate volunteering.


COVID-19 Emergency: #TogetherForOnePurpose
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, we have led an action plan to minimize the impacts of the disease in regions of Brazil and other countries where BRF operates. We have used our experience in analyzing local scenarios and in dialogue with social actors supporting municipalities, hospitals, social organizations and research funds. To monitor in real time what is being done, access the BRF Platform.

Food that transforms
For the BRF Institute, food is a powerful tool for social transformation. Through it, it is possible to combat inequalities, create opportunities and change lives in different ways. With this objective in mind, we expanded our partnerships with Gastromotiva, the Mesa Brasil Program, the Ronald McDonald Institute and local organizations in the cities where BRF operates.

Sport and inclusion
Sport promotes development and contributes to reducing vulnerability and violence. Through state laws to encourage the practice of sports, the BRF Institute makes it possible for BRF to support projects with impact and social inclusion. This is one more way in which we positively transform life in the communities where BRF is present.

Better Life in Communities
The development of more sustainable communities is a common premise of the BRF Institute’s projects and which is materialized directly on the “Better Life in Communities” front. Within this axis, the Institute proposes to strengthen ties with communities through two projects planned for 2021: Innovative Communities and the Our Part for the Whole Fund.

Corporate volunteering
Volunteering is capable of inspiring, mobilizing and generating change for everyone involved in the actions. For this purpose, the BRF Institute has been running the BRF Volunteer Program since 2011 and encourages all BRF SA employees to be protagonists in the stories of transformation in the cities where they live. The Program is managed by the Social Investment Committees, which are responsible for bringing the themes and projects developed by the BRF Institute to the communities.