Together for One Purpose

We are keenly aware of our responsibility at this point and we will continue to do our part: serving thousands of families in Brazil and around the world, without giving up the health and safety of everyone involved in this process. We believe that offering safe working conditions for our personnel and other members of our chain is part of our commitment. That is why we have adopted some measures to take care of all the people involved in our operational context. #OurPartForTheWhole.

Donations that make a difference

We announced the donation of another R$ 50 million in 2021, to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

Institutions, NGOs, public and private hospitals, secretariats, city halls of the municipalities where the company is present, and other public agencies will receive food, hospital supplies and equipment, in addition to other relevant initiatives to combat the virus and support social needs.

In 2020, we directed R$50 million in donations, which still benefit the population, mainly in the cities where we have operations.

The actions take place in more than 10 states in Brazil, more than 70 municipalities, and also in the Middle East, in regions such as the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Turkey.

Click on the map bellow.

So far
meals have been donated
So far
meals have been donated

Our Part for the Whole Fund

The BRF Institute launches a project that selects and invests resources in initiatives to help communities face the consequences of the pandemic caused by the new Coronavirus. The action has four fronts: Health and Emergency Actions; Generation of Work and Income; Education and Technological Inclusion and Food Security and Social Protection. Each one of them has different deadlines for registration and maximum amounts per project, which can be checked in the enrollment notice.

Together for Amazonas

Together with 14 other companies, donations were made directly to Fiocrus for machinery and accessories of an oxygen plant for hospitals in the state of Amazonas that treat patients with more severe cases of COVID-19.

Oxygen Concentrators

BRF and 11 other companies have joined in a collective action to make possible the donation of more than 5,000 oxygen concentrators, which will be used for the treatment of Covid-19 patients in their own localities, avoiding movements to other cities and, consequently, the overload of hospitals. The oxygen concentrator is a piece of equipment that separates oxygen from air and supplies it to the patient in a direct, continuous flow, helping to improve the patient's respiratory capacity, which is one of the areas most affected as a consequence of Covid-19.

Food donation

1.453 tons of food and more than 3.1 million meals that will benefit hospitals, social assistance organizations and health professionals.

Donations of food and medical supplies

More than 1223 entities, including over 100 hospitals have received food, tests, thermometers, personal protective equipment, and others.

Containment initiatives

We are investing BRL 4.0 million in tests for Covid-19 for donations in support of the municipalities where we have operations. We have been discussing with the authorities of 35 cities where we have operations to make a joint effort with local governments and hospitals in the fight against COVID and its effects.​

R$500 million investment in new protocols and prevention measures to protect its employees and third parties.

Research funds

We are forwarding more than R$ 7,6 million to scientific research funds that seek solutions to prevent, diagnose, and treat Covid-19. Among the supported institutes are: Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdades de Medicina da USP, and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). We donated R$ 5 million to the Butantan Institute's Covid-19 vaccine project.

International donations

Our donations are traveling across borders. Take a look at our programs and the list of entities assisted.

Have all your questions about COVID-19 answered

Our team of experts have answered all the main questions about the subject and advised us on how to protect ourselves. Check them out:

Wash your hands with soap and water.

No water taps around? Use 70%+ alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.

Do not share any personal items.

Beware of hygiene while preparing food.

Wear homemade or handmade fabric masks when out of home.

Stay at least 2 meters away from others.

Maintain all areas as much ventilated as possible.

The symptoms of COVID-19 can range from a simple cold to severe pneumonia. The most common symptoms are:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Heavy breathing
Washing your hands with soap and water is the most efficient way of avoiding contamination. Only when soap and water are not available that 70%+ alcohol-based hand sanitizer is to be used.
You can clean your home with other products, such as detergents, bleaches and active chlorine solutions.
Yes. In Brazil, vaccination against Covid-19 was released by Anvisa and has already begun following the National Immunization Plan, organized by the Ministry of Health, with a priority group schedule. Important to consult the Ministry of Health's website for information
  • Wear long-sleeved clothing for extra protection;
  • If you have a cold or a cough, put on a mask;
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your face with your arm or with tissues;
  • Take disposable tissues to use in elevators, to touch objects or to cough/sneeze. Crumple them up, put them in a closed bag, then in the bin;
  • Avoid public transport, but if you need to, don’t forget to clean your hands before and after commuting and don’t touch your face;
  • Avoid using paper money or coins;
  • Wash your hands after touching any objects;
  • Don’t touch your face before cleaning your hands;
  • Tie your hair up. Avoid earrings, rings and necklaces;
  • Keep away from other people.
  • Don’t touch anything before cleaning yourself up;
  • Leave a box at the entrance to put your belongings, such as your bag, wallet, keys etc.;
  • Clean your phone with rubbing alcohol and your eye glasses with soap and water;
  • Take off your shoes by the door;
  • Take off your clothes and put them in a plastic bag in the laundry basket;
  • Have a shower;
  • Always clean the containers you brought home before putting them away
Follow all hygiene tips, avoid leaving home and receiving visitors.
The Ministry of Health has a WhatsApp number for anyone to send messages with images or texts that they have received on the social media. Through this number, you can check if the information is true.

Send your questions to the WhatsApp number +55 61 99289 4649

We’re here for you!

We will keep our communication channels up-to-date, which is in line with our commitment to integrity and transparency. Visit the Ministry of Health website for further recommendations of prevention of COVID-19.

Visit the Ministry of Health Website

Download the tips from BRF

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Ecco Platform

We have created a platform to fight food waste and support conscious consumption.

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