
As a global company, BRF understands the priority of the Diversity and Inclusion agenda for society, and is aware of its role as a transformative agent for positive changes through dialogue. Therefore, the theme is part of the essence of our culture.
For us, a diverse and inclusive environment is essential, so we encourage our teams to establish honest and respectful conversations, in addition to promoting an environment with zero tolerance for discrimination
In 2019, the Company's global Diversity and Inclusion area was created in order to strengthen the strategic view of the company's practices. The area operates in 4 pillars: awareness, attraction and retention, career development and governance. In 2021, we launched the BRF Human Rights policy.
We have a network of Diversity Ambassadors, composed of more than 300 employees in various locations in Brazil and the world, whose objective is to keep the dialogue alive, share experiences and promote activities on diversity and inclusion.
At BRF, the journey of diversity and inclusion consists of self-knowledge as a starting point. Therefore, in 2021, we launched the unconscious bias training.
Check out our figures:
- 100,000+ employees worldwide, from 90+ different nationalities. In Brazil, 40+ nationalities.
- By 2025, a goal of 30% women in high leadership, according to the Equity is a Priority commitment, of the UN Global Compact.
- One of the founding companies of the Movement for Racial Equity (MOVER), which brings together +45 companies from different sectors.
- Participant in the UNHCR's Company with Refugees group. BRF is one of the largest employers of this public in Brazil.
- Several actions aimed at promoting a more inclusive and non-discriminatory society and labor market.
Gender equity
For us, it is fundamental to talk about gender equity, especially in our business sector. Therefore, in 2021 we assumed the public commitment Equity is a Priority,of the UN Global Compact, of having 30% of women in high leadership positions by 2025 - in the same year, we advanced two percentage points and closed it with 24%.
Several actions have been implemented in the company globally in order to achieve this commitment, such as:
- Affirmative action: definition of quota (50%) for women in the internal career acceleration program – Develops
- Development of pipeline for leadership positions through entry programs: in 2021, women represented 30% in the Fast Track, 59% of Trainees and 60% in Doctors in Agribusiness.
- Lead as a Woman – career acceleration journey of women mapped as successors in the company globally. The initiative was launched in 2021 and consists of: a) 3 meetings with market experts on the topic of gender equity; b) technical and soft skills training; c) assessments and d) mentoring
People with disabilities
Since 2011, BRF has worked tirelessly to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market. For this, it has literacy and awareness actions of its employees, in addition to affirmative programs for these audiences, such as:
- Operations: The Inclusive Action Program was launched in 2021, in partnership with Senai, and aimed to attract and train +80 people for initial positions to work in their units in Rio Verde, Uberlândia and Lucas do Rio Verde. In addition, the Program also had the awareness of the leadership of the 3 units to receive these professionals and ensure their inclusion. Due to the success of the Program, BRF will repeat the success formula with its Training Schools, which also aims to train operators for initial positions, however it will count on affirmative actions (quotas) for people with disabilities from 2022 onwards throughout Brazil.
- Commercial area: there are two major initiatives to attract and attract talent with disabilities. The first is the inclusion through Mercato, which, in 2021, had a selection process in São Paulo stores to also include the following minorities: people with disabilities, 50+ and black women. The action will be repeated in the new stores that will open in Brazil over the next years. The second prominent action in the commercial area is the inclusion of Promoters with disabilities. In partnership with IOS, BRF captures, trains and hires people with or without experience in the area, who go through BRF training school for technical development and soft skills.
- If you have a disability or know someone who does, know that ALL vacancies of BRF are open to this public. Get to know our vacancies in the publicity channels and on our website.
Immigrants currently total more than 5,000 positions in BRF in Brazil, mostly Haitians, Senegalese and Congolese. This makes BRF one of the leading immigrant/refugee employers in the country.
The process of including this public in the BRF began a few years ago and involves several internal and external actors, such as organizations and local governments, in order to ensure the safe transit of these immigrants, with a holistic look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In 2019, we started a partnership with the UN Migration, com a Operation Welcomeof the Brazilian Government and with the BRF Institute, for the hiring of Venezuelan immigrants, reinforcing our social commitment to the development of our workforce.
In 2021, BRF created the function of translator in its operational units, where there is a greater population of immigrants – most of them do not speak Portuguese. The translator is responsible for facilitating communication between Portuguese speakers and others, in addition to translating the main communications of the company.
Also in 2021, the company became a participant in UNHCR's Refugee Company, da ACNUR.
BRF participates in the UNICEF Programa Súper Panas, providing a partnership that aims to hire teams of psychologists, social workers and educators for existing shelters, ensuring that refugee children and adolescents receive mental health care, psychosocial support and pedagogical follow-up and the restructuring of spaces in the largest shelters for migrants and refugees in Latin America, ensuring a more welcoming and friendly space for children. As a result, we hope to reach about 2,000 Venezuelan children and adolescents directly, in addition to a 10% increase in service capacity per restructured space.