Training & Capacity-Building

Every year, we train Animal Welfare Officers who serve as ambassadors for the topic in their activities, working from agriculture and transportation to the industry.



Sensitized to the theme in structured programs and sharing of knowledge about animal welfare in day-to-day activities.


Of farmers trained for winter and summer management

Broiler and turkeys farmers and the extension agents of the BRF team are trained for winter and summer management, in which the theme of animal welfare is strongly addressed.


Received training on the best practices

Poultry catching teams and drivers undergo training on best practices to ensure the welfare of birds in the process.


BRF veterinarians and Technicians were trained in the Swine Academy program in 2023

Starting from history and concepts, to practical application, this training program aims to train and develop the agricultural team in search of high performance, adding value to the business, fostering and managing internal knowledge.

The capacity building project is continued and happens annually.


Farms were evaluated in 2023 by AW OFFICERS

In 2023, we reinforced training and evaluated more professionals from the agricultural chain, through the transport and slaughter of animals. These professionals are the ambassadors of the theme in the units, responsible for applying the score card and training all employees, third parties and farmers in the theme.

100% of employees who work with live animals in our processing operations are trained in BEA procedures, in addition to the catching and transportation teams, live cargo drivers and our integrated partners.


BRF veterinarians and technicians were trained in the Chicken Academy program in 2023.

In-person events brought together employees from all units in Brazil, including managers, supervisors, sanitarists, environmental coordinators, loading and extension workers.

The meetings for discussions and training allows not only the expansion of the vision of the production process in the themes of Health, Hatchery, Breeders and Broiler Chicken, but also subsequent dissemination of knowledge through training and development of more projects based on the technical themes and management tools addressed.


Animal welfare officers were trained in 2024.

Between 2019 and 2020 we trained 569 new animal welfare officers. In 2021, we reinforced training and trained more professionals from the livestock chain, through the transportation and slaughter of animals. In 2022 more than 120 animal welfare officers were trained.

These professionals are the ambassadors of the theme in the units, responsible for applying the check list in AW and training all employees. 100% of the employees who work with live animals in our industrial plants are trained in AW procedures, in addition to the catching teams, live cargo drivers and our farmers partners.

With the motivation of sensitizing and raising awareness among our employees, we created an EAD (Distance Learning) on Animal Welfare and the Animal Welfare Program made at BRF.

The course introduces the participant to basic concepts on the subject and in which context BRF is inserted. The material is made available to any employee who has access to the BRF Academy (platform where internal training is allocated). By April 2023, more than 3,000 employees had already completed the training.

BRF is dedicated to maintaining standardization in its processes and, to achieve this, has created in the SEO Program (Operational Excellence System).

This standardization promotes the engagement of the teams, generates protagonism and the feeling of belonging to BRF. In this program, the fundamental themes for BRF are divided into pillars and one of them is Livestock. Animal welfare is a mandatory element of this pillar, aligning the training already carried out by the AW Officers.

The objectives of the AW element in the SEO Program are:

a) Create unique language and standardize the work method as the basis for continuous improvement;

b) Standardize processes, terms and metrics, allowing effective internal references;

c) Standardization as the basis of continuous improvement, sharing and applying best practices;

d) Direct performance to leverage the main results, connecting to BRF's strategic objectives;

e) Increase engagement and collaboration, from the operation to senior leadership;

f) Ensure that everyone is able to contribute to their best;

g) Being a facilitator of cultural change.