
All birds have space to move freely and exercise natural behavior, such as scratching, dusting off and flapping their wings.

Through its global animal welfare program, BRF stipulates that the maximum density of bird housing in its facilities and integrated partners should be 39 kg/m², following the European directive that is considered one of the best in the world. About 52% of broilers raised at BRF globally are slaughtered with a density of less than 30 kg/m². In addition, we have the Sadia BIO line, in the unit of Lucas do Rio Verde/MT where the birds that are part of this program are housed at a maximum density of 30 kg/m².

Farmers have emergency plans and minimum water and feed stocks on the property.

The farmers have emergency plans as their top properties to help them decide what to do in case of accidents, in order to avoid pain and suffering to the birds. Also, minimum stocks of water and quality feed are guaranteed. For water, the stock is sufficient for 24 hours and, for feed, the minimum storage capacity guarantees a day of consumption in the week before slaughter, in 100% of the properties. By doing this, the company is ensuring that all animal needs are constantly met.

Comfort and environmental enrichment are basic principles of our poultry breeding environment.

For this, we use good quality poultry litter, which is about 15-cm deep for turkeys and 10-cm deep for chickens. Litter is constantly handled so that it is always kept smooth and dry. Whenever necessary, the litter is renewed for thermal comfort and natural poultry behavior. Every bed (made up of shavings and/or rice husks) comes from an approved supplier, ensuring controlled quality, free of contaminants.

100% of the breeders of fertile eggs are cage-free and have access to a nest, a tool necessary for exercising their natural behavior.

PTo maintain the thermal comfort conditions, specific equipment is used to provide a comfortable breeding environment. The maximum and minimum facility temperature and humidity are recorded daily for controlling and maintaining the established standards.

We are also aware of how important it is to provided good lighting management. Therefore, we ensure a minimum of 8 hours of light a day and 4 hours of darkness, following a day/night rhythm and appropriate light intensity for each phase in each breeding system.

In 2019, we implemented the use of infrared technology for beak trimming in the turkey and broiler breeder supply chains, replacing the traditional system of cutting and cauterizing. The beak trimming is performed once in the birds' lifetime, immediately after hatching in the hatchery. In 2023, we began trials to eliminate beak trimming in breeder hens, and following successful tests, BRF is gradually stopping the practice for females. Currently, about 33% of housed female flocks are no longer trimmed. However, it has not yet been possible to eliminate the procedure in the turkey supply chain.

BRF processes follow the applicable laws and specific internal rules

The Company also meets cultural and religious requirements (such as the Halal slaughter guidelines), as well as market and client-specific guidelines, and certifications — which are often even stricter than the legislations in force. For the Halal market, poultry is stunned before slaughter (to make sure they are unconscious) and are slaughtered by certifiers that attest to the conformity of poultry slaughter, that is, the birds are supposed to be alive at the time of slaughter.

Unique and innovate process in Brazil


The stunning system at the Marau unit is carried out through the use of CO² gas in five phases, ensuring that the animals do not return to consciousness before slaughter. This stunning model is the only one in Brazil and allows birds not to be inverted to.


About 97% of the turkey breeding takes place in conventional poultry houses, which are facilities equipped with open curtains, making the most of the natural environment. The other facilities operate with a different controlled environment system, which allows greater control over extreme environmental variables, such as temperature and humidity, while allowing natural light to enter through the curtains.

This ensures that 100% of the turkeys be bred with natural lighting.

Turkeys are transported according to the guidelines of the Corporate Committee for Livestock Transport.

Currently, 70% of the turkeys that go to slaughter are transported regularly over a maximum travel period of eight hours. Animal slaughter follows the principles of animal welfare and 100% of the turkeys are stunned before slaughter.

No turkey at Global BRF is confined in cages. All of them have freedom of movement within the facility.